2008-12-13 // 09:48:51
Hey Joster,

I am fine. I think I told you that I wanted to move to New York for work...well, now I am have a job in Basel, Switzerland. But Its a great job and I am working in an old building from the mid 40īs. Real avantgardistque. Glasswalls surrounding me sitting at my desk. Be sure, I am goin to take many polas there...

How are you, how was your pola time in Paris, and how is Stephano?

Kind RIGA rds


2008-12-11 // 15:50:55
Thanks for the link. Is that The Boys new home?
It certainly seems very chocolatey, just like The Boy himself.
Hope all's well and not too dark.


Very dark here, but nonetheless well. And how are the Isles?

I feel very comfortable in The Boy's new home. Lots of warm and cozy hiding places to find.

2008-12-02 // 17:41:11
stephano standing in paradise...very beautiful this slight color of red in the back... wow



Thank you M/Y! I was enchanted by this place - the Albert Kahn gardens - and have pledged to return at least once every time I visit Paris from now on. Have you been there? And how are you doing?

Hope you are keeping warm, sorry for letting you wait for this reply!

- j

2008-12-02 // 14:35:51
I miss the boy Pear. Will he come back to us one day?

Ack, this comment slipped under my radar.

But now it made a blip again.

Boy is back, but should he disappear one can always venture into his secret garden. Full of giggling bushes of course. »link

2008-12-01 // 16:31:22
Voted and faved!

2008-11-30 // 12:22:25

. . . chemise in november . . .


This boy can never hang on to a coat for very long.
If we weren't there to dress him he would be walking around in frail shirts still.