2008-12-12 // 17:32:25
Wouldn't it be grand if you happened upon me meandering (for that is the way I walk!) along the fjall? Me in my tweed, plus fours, chugging on my pipe; and you in your smart wellies.
I'm not sure when it would be, probably Summer, though I'd love to experience the winter, it looks so amazing. As is all to sadly the case, It will be money that governs my whim.
I'll be sure to let you know though.

Stay warm,



I would recommend summer above winter. There is a special light that I'm sure the two of you would enjoy very much.

Have a good weekend dear sir.

- j.

2008-12-12 // 11:19:18
can you send me snow?
It would be winter here but it's shiny outside


Just now I finished shoveling a good two decimeters of freshly fallen snow. Had I known your wish sooner I would've arranged to send you some, but now every little snowflake is neatly organized along the driveway. Maybe tomorrow? Can you wait that long?

2008-12-11 // 15:54:49
Wow, is this near where you live? As I've always said, it looks truly magical. I've always wanted to head North, but I've never got further than Scotland! Me and my good lady are planning on making it up to your neck of the woods sometime next year though.
Beautiful shot.


It is some three hours straight into the forest from where I live. Suddenly the tree's disappear and you find yourself out on the fjäll (fell in english, I think?). Beautiful, but very cold.

When are you thinking about coming here? What season? Maybe one day I will see a man in tweed, holding a pipe, walking towards me? Wouldn't that be something?

2008-12-11 // 12:34:16
As always.

2008-12-11 // 08:18:02
