2007-01-30 // 21:05:15
ich auch, meistens. damasl in der schule haben sie mich ein bisschen damit aufgezogen, weil der verhasste musiklehrer auch eines hatte.
hahaha aber immerhin kein mathelehrer. :-)

2007-01-30 // 20:49:37
oh ich hab auch ein kinngrübchen, leider keine roten haare.
ich mag das :-)

2006-06-12 // 10:59:21

Going back to old photos, for me, is the best way. I've forgotton all about what I was thinking when I took the photo and therefore don't have those memories to cloud my judgment as to weather the photo stands on its own.

2006-06-09 // 20:32:10
oh,. of course, yes.... she is there.

i admire you lia, from what little i know. and i hope that in moving on your happiness (or whatever it should be called) is genuine and lasting.

you've got a killer stare, girl. here's hoping no other f***** gives you reason to show it again.


2006-06-09 // 19:58:23
I see a kind of disgust in your eyes. but likewise, a dignity. defiance even. and maybe some other words beginning with 'D' ;)

your ability to translate emotion into picture is so delicate, and so well articulated (if that makes sense).

a stunning series, thanks for posting something so obviously personal


Maybe you still remember the picture that it is a crop of?

It means alot, thank you for your time, dear, sorry that I am so busy and cannot reply appropriately..


2006-06-09 // 17:01:13
Somehow I can *feel* it by just look at the 2 pictures...

Love the feeling.

2006-06-09 // 12:28:02
Great combination, it works well and it's very moody. Fav+ vote.

2006-06-09 // 12:06:13

2006-06-09 // 09:09:32
Hi Lia! I like the subtle way the matching composition of these two shots (hair/curtain, face/window) brings across the symbolism. It works very well. Gefällt mir sehr gut.

2006-06-09 // 08:31:53
I think the top image is my favourite, mainly because of the blue tones against the rest, the shapes you hair and face make with the shadows. But, I don't think it would be quite as strong without the bottom image which reflects simalar colours and the dark of the top youre wearing. nice to see more work from you :)

2006-06-09 // 07:58:54

2006-06-09 // 07:49:37
vraiment bien dommage que je puisse pas voter deux fois ..........

2006-06-09 // 07:37:02
i love your style mademoiselle !!!!

2006-06-09 // 06:10:15
luv these !