2009-01-16 // 03:20:04
davon habe ich jede menge :-)
...auch "direct cut from tunis"?

2008-12-18 // 22:53:54
all of them, while gorgeous belly dancers were sourrounding me, and then... then....
the last dancer close the lights please....

2008-12-18 // 21:06:35
too bad. You missed the orgy that happened just after that
OH MY GOD - it was really YOU who brouhgt the shisha?? I could smell the sweety too sweety Al Fakher Shisha Tobacco up to Sidi Bou Said? It was cherry, wasn´t it?? Or Mint? Or Cola?

2008-12-18 // 15:47:03
see the white spot, center of the brown left strip ? That's me lightning my cigarette
aaaaahhhh! yeah! must be the situation I am too afraid of smokers that I hurried away from that horrible scenario?!??!

2008-12-18 // 00:56:03
yeah, i've been there too
aahhhh! that was you, in the middle of the souk! thnXXs for info!