2009-01-03 // 14:13:39
Nice one. Don't tell me you made these too? I used to make stuff like this (the salt-glazed stoneware bottles I mean, rather than the picture, but even the table looks like our kitchen table so i feel like I could have taken this picture too!), Often these days I feel an urge to do it again. Thanks for sharing this simple picture.
Hi jan,
No i didn´t make these myself, its an old swedish classic called "höganäskrus" which my father in law has picked up on flea markets. And so is the rable (picked up on a fkea market, that is...).

Your name implies some scandinavian descent. is that so?

and thanks...

2009-01-01 // 22:09:43
very nice! very nice indeed! i just shot and uploaded my very first type55 picture. it is a very interesting process, but the end results are very amazing! by the way a vote and a fave for this one!
thanks goddamn. the 55:s are wonderful. good luck!