2009-06-30 // 23:34:01
One of my favorite books
Nice work as always

You seem a contrary creature and I've have been surprised to learn otherwise.

Thank you.

2009-01-19 // 10:57:25
ok, well i seem to have a knack for standers by intervening, so i don't think that will be a problem!

2009-01-19 // 09:06:41
piffle, now that's a word i have not heard in a while. and as for kissing...which kind would you like?
The usual. The kind that incites standers-by to intervene.

2009-01-16 // 14:16:24
hahahaha. you're so....well, for want of a better word, contrariwise. And obtuse.
Piffle and sniffkins.
Kiss me, you fool.

2009-01-16 // 12:46:32
you are right about identical twins, though in this case i didn't think they were that identical. i'll go with tweedledum whichever one that is. If I were to pose such a question to someone, I would always be tweedledum as that name comes first in the list- a bit like bebop and rocksteady, or dumb and dumber. It's always better to list yourself first- so I'm saying tweedledum. Good or bad answer. Or just contrariwise?
Tweedledum! Ha. That whinging little runt! Have him. You can have him. You're welcome to him.

2009-01-16 // 01:52:26
which one is which?
I'm not telling you, but I will say this: in any given pair of identical twins, there is always one that is unfathomably but undeniably sexier than the other one. And if you can't tell instinctively which one it is, then that's more than fine by me.

2009-01-15 // 17:35:01
yes, hopefully pleasure would be involved!
So tell me, who do you fancy more: Tweedledee or Tweedledum?

2009-01-15 // 13:25:34
i should hope not, ahem. next time baby!!
With pleasure.

2009-01-15 // 12:38:50
and this is what i missed!! bugger...
This isn't ALL you missed.

2009-01-14 // 22:23:23
i'm a fan.
first because i love the set up, and story, but also the use of this beautifull film...

you're the best!

Thank you very much!

This film was just made for such scenes. It's the first time I've used it, and I'm smitten.

2009-01-14 // 19:21:31
I'd prefer spoons, but cards look awesome, too.
Ah, that reminds me of the Hermano Pablo film I still have to digitalise. Your masterful spoon levitation scene. We MUST do some Kung Fu spoon pictures, next time I see you.

2009-01-14 // 18:23:15
It's terribly interesting really. Half green and half red with yellow polkadots that pulsate wildly when he gets angry about digital.

Gosh, what amazing effects. So, is it an expired bum? I suppose it must be. You never get those pretty colours on a bum unless it's really expired.

The lucky bugger.

2009-01-14 // 17:58:49
did i say carmen??

i meant valley forge of course.

Ah, now that changes things. This is one bum that I haven't been lucky enough to view at close quarters. You'll have to fill me in.

2009-01-14 // 17:56:50
thanks for the advice.
not if i have a bum transplant with carmen. (if the rumours are true, she's got the best bum on polanoid?)

I'm probably the only person on here to have seen the genuine article. It perches at the very top of Ms De Vos's thighs, on her rear side. Not that any of the fetishistic bunch on here is interested in a real flesh-and-blood bum. All they want on here are Polaroids of bums.

2009-01-14 // 16:30:13
fuck me that's cool. the cards are so sharp...

what a clever strange anglogerman you are.

Simply put a completely disproportionate amount of effort into the most illogical and least justifiable things you feel like doing, and you too can look clever and strange. (Though I'll still have a cuter bum than you, of course.)