2006-06-20 // 09:06:02
I meant that the composition is always just right, but not in a sweeping, gradiose, monumental kind of way, but with a perfect small-scale simplicity, You sometimes make the world look like a doll's house or a toy train set.
i think doll houses and train sets are wonderful. what a nice thing to say! and i am not always sure about my composition, so you make me feel better!: )

2006-06-19 // 09:55:34
I like your style. Your pictures always look so neat, somehow ("neat" in the British sense).
that's funny i'm going what does neat mean to the british! so i looked it up, and now i get it! thank you!

2006-06-18 // 10:03:32
I like both shots here and the echoing of the composition between the two. Is the man in the lower right selling something? If so, what?
thanks! yea he is selling books about the pyramids.