2009-02-04 // 22:29:21
wow, that picture is incredible....
thank you mira, i appreciate it.

2009-02-04 // 21:23:37
Helt underbar bild... Vilken skön känsla, känns som jag sugs in i bilden och bara vill sätta mig på den där stolen och sitta där resten av livet... Jag ska banne mig köpa hus i Österlen och bygga mörkrum där..........
Tack Dan. Det var den känslan jag ville framkalla. Vill oxå ha heltidshus där...

2009-02-02 // 20:30:28
You really have a thing for chairs. And we are lucky that you do! Again such great tension/dynamic between that little chair, so static, so 'here and now' vs the sky and the seascape that just want to pull us in as far as the eye can see. Thanks.
as usual it´s a pleasure to read through your comments, always well thought and noticing things I really have not thought - more photographed on intuition - about until you point them out.
Thank you.

2009-02-01 // 13:02:17
thanks cicos!

2009-01-31 // 22:44:07
thanks kerrym.

2009-01-31 // 22:18:04
how do you get 55 to look like sepia? I've tried...are you just adjusting the colour balance in photoshop?


it´s photoshop... I try to tone them so they look like my darkroom prints did. this one i´ve done lot´s of different prints; lith, "regular" bw and so on, but the sepia style suited it best.

2009-01-31 // 21:38:08
Lajos Gombos
óóóó. very nice. such as tale.
thanks lajcsi!