2009-02-11 // 18:49:03
Strangely enough, I was planning to do exactly this series saturday (without groins or wings or gloves or etc., but quite the same anyway haha...)... I feel confused, now... Are you a mind reader on top of being a true genius ?
They do say that great minds think alike. I don't think it's true though. It's more likely to be the case that sordid minds think alike.

2009-02-11 // 16:10:35
Lovely kinky series. Verrry good indeed. I like the marble look sepia adds to it.
Who knows what statues get up to when we are not looking.

2009-02-11 // 15:37:47
Fantastic! you never fail to entertain! As I've said before such an imagination and the talent to go with it.... I always look forward to seeing what fresh ideas have been spawned from your slightly deranged mind.......
I must admit, this picture cracks me up. I keep pondering the significance of that gently cupped hand gesture and then I just lose it.

I'm astounded that you think I sat down and scratched my head with a pencil and thought and thought until this scene came up. Now that would be deranged!

In this particular case, the pose was a suggestion made half an hour beforehand in the pub. It came from the front model (and not the rear model - unsurprisingly), shortly after viewing the angelpig polas I had made earlier that day. I merely provided the costumes. And claimed to be an undiscovered genius. The rest just rather suddenly unfolded.

2009-02-11 // 11:11:08
now thats what i am talking about. pigs, wings and bums.
Only true art can unite the sty, the sky and the little brown eye.