2009-02-23 // 23:38:37
my comment was purely observational. the comment by czuczy is priceless. i refuse to judge anyone based on anything other than my own personal observations and interactions with them. to do otherwise is foolish, i believe.

i've had a few of those cab rides myself. the most memorable on the negative side were in my native country. sad, but i pay the fare & move on. their loss really. i've had a handful of those experiences while traveling with my passport as well. but for the most part it's all been good. sometimes very good. that's what i try to remember. even being lost can be a grand adventure if you meet the right people. that's the thing that keeps me going back. those new, positive adventures that life holds for us.

i know you had a good time in CZ though Dan. anywhere you go the good times will follow. hopefully.

p.s. i found your #192 today. where's my horse? ;-)

Good points all round.

I get super embarrassed by Brits abroad too... So was so depressing to be labeled with, and as one of, them.

Need to dash, will reply a bit later properly! ;-)

2009-02-23 // 21:14:32
I once went to a dinner where I was the only brit, sat next to a czech guy & one of the other dinner guest said to him 'wow you live in prague, such a great place to go out at night' to which he replied 'no we can't go out in the city centre any more because of all the drunk british people' .. i looked at my food and died a bit inside ..
yeah they are not fans of us at all...

trouble is when you say england they curl their faces up in disgust.

so, i started saying i come from "cornwall". "where's that?" they inevitably reply.

"a little country near england". "oh".

a much better reaction. the assumption that everyone from england lives in stinking london and has wads of cash burning holes in their back pocket is a tough one to crack.

but literally, no one was less hospitable than the assholes in the hostel.

2009-02-23 // 20:59:15
so far this isn't the most "popular" of the series but i like it most. a lot in fact. i think because of the three distinct layers here. i especially like that the distant background, and a bit of the mid ground, is not toned, but rather just a bit of grey. and then there's the glove, and the texture of the tree. is this Carmen's tree? no, can't be. that was in a forest i believe. i can't see the forest for the legs.