2009-03-04 // 05:21:01
this really resonates life/death for me
i agree.

death is quite powerful in black and white i think...

2009-03-02 // 11:30:45
don't know the band, but this is an amazing pola on it's own... did you decompose the fish yourself?
that would be telling.

(but, yes)

i waited in a fishmongers till they filleted a big enough fish (cos i have no close up lens) and then carted it off in a big black bag.

glad you like the result. the band were a bit of the moment, i've no idea how they would sound 15 years on. but at the time - in a funk metal phase - i was addicted to this album. worth playing a few online tracks to see if you dig! ;-)

2009-03-02 // 04:41:52
this is my winner for the project
No chance, but thanks for the thought.

Good luck on the 18 twinnners today. If you're feeling charitable and want to flog a few let me know ;-)

2009-03-01 // 16:52:56
glad you think so master.