2009-03-10 // 15:34:04
I am very given over to the curves, but I can quit anytime..

2009-03-09 // 23:47:52
great atmosphere


ahhh thank you ds. glad you like

2009-03-09 // 16:03:57
lovely curves..

(catch up mode again...)

do you have a curve addiction?

maybe it can be corrected by hanging around a straight city.

2009-03-09 // 14:43:04
funny - for some reason, first silly question i asked myself was "what time of day was this taken"
early morning?
just beautiful

that's quite a sensible question. late afternoon i "think"... but it was slate grey and raining all day, so time did not matter.

my only regret is we didn't make it to Withnail's house.

2009-03-09 // 14:35:14
amazing....place and shot!
you're right about the place.

taiking nice photos was a bit tricky cos the weather was so bad....