2006-06-22 // 21:32:55 ashveenp very fine!
you have my vote + fav
2006-06-22 // 17:54:12 artpunk Very nice, very atmospheric. I cannot fuck the future, there is only the ever moving now. Is it OK if I fuck that instead?
The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe & don't get no jizm on the sofa...
Or on the biscuit. Especially not on the biscuit (although they do say that at boys' boarding schools... But no. That's another story).
2006-06-22 // 16:29:15 Shlomo.Ben.Jussuf dafür lese ich es nicht ...
ist mir zuvielia irgendwie
2006-06-22 // 16:24:36 Shlomo.Ben.Jussuf redest du schon mit dir selbst
Es ist einsam hier unten. Danke, dass Du so tief sinkst.
2006-06-22 // 16:07:04 Esther.Z.Schnickenacke God! I can't believe you actually scrolled all the way down here!