2009-03-15 // 21:43:59
Love is a four letter word! I say pass this along to Webbo and he will surly apply it to the next project. I'vegave him an additonal idea for one as well with hopes it will fly. The next few months are going to bussi bussi! I take it that means, busy, when he closes his paragraphs. I also think Em wants her popo spanked by him for breaking the rules....haha.
well, maybe both ideas could be mixed in a next project! i trust webbo will come up with something witty and fun, as alwaysss ;)

2009-03-15 // 21:32:54
that's a nice idea
are you suffering well, btw? :)

2009-03-15 // 21:26:47
I think this concept should be saved for the next project. I think it's a swell idea and the message that turns into a long and continus sentence would be cool to see and read. What do you think?
haha, yeah that's exactly what i was saying to s.ombre in a guestbook message lastnight!! like a huuuge "exquisite corpse", with every polanoider's hand bearing a 2or 3 word message :)
that could be fun!
and thankyou! :)

2009-03-15 // 20:53:18
génial :)
merci collectif :))

2009-03-15 // 20:36:23
hahaha. brilliant.
thanks :)

2009-03-15 // 17:22:37
Ah ah you took time!!!
You sword!
About love and cruelty: »link

2009-03-15 // 13:41:57
J'ai eut beaucoup beaucoup de mal mais j'ai fini par trouver ce que cela m'évoquait... ce n'est pas "linkable" mais ce sont les derniers dialogues de l'acte 1 scène 10 du soulier de satin... dis moi si tu trouve pas je te donnerais les mots clé... (j'ai fini par trouver par google book...)
j'ai cherché, mais pas trouvé ta référence...

2009-03-15 // 13:07:31
Oui je me souviens d'une image de toi titrée ainsi... Je m'en vais de ce pas la chercher...

2009-03-15 // 12:49:51
nevertheless you will have to invite me for a coffee to make up for this sometime ;)
haha, deal :)
let me know when you're in the capital of love!

2009-03-15 // 12:46:32
All the girl cruelty in these few words...

Knew you were also twisted mind!

of course, thats the way it should be ;p

et puis, ça marche bien mieux que ça: »link !!

the words are not mine though, but Depeche Mode's :) (wanted to send the deezer link, but access is denied)

2009-03-15 // 12:37:24
nice storyboard...
feel free to continue it! :)

2009-03-15 // 12:31:52
it was a long time ago :p
phew :)

2009-03-15 // 12:20:31
i love it
hope you're not too offended ;p