2009-03-30 // 00:03:48
If this is a dress, this picture is pretty sexy.
I would'nt want you to think this pic is not as you think it is so I won't tell you it's in fact un "carré"...

but if you want, it can be fixed as a dress... a very short one...

2009-03-16 // 23:55:24
I'm the same - scared to waste it!!

I hope to have some more photos up soon, I've just been too busy to get out taking, but now the weathers getting better I'll be out when I can.

You take care

2009-03-16 // 23:39:58
Tricky indeed!! I've just got a couple of the 80's left. I'm saving them like you!! I'll look forward to seeing what finally tempts you in to using them though
That will be quite a challenge, man!
How to use the last packs... I've got the same interrogation for my precious ultimate original TZ. I'm so scared to waste it I don't know when I have the courage to use it... and for what subject!!

I can't wait to see more pics of yours. Not only speaking about choco ones!!! ;) London's calling, no?

2009-03-16 // 23:31:03
Are you out of chocolate now?
still have my last 80 pack in my fridge... waiting for a good idea to appear for using it...
tricky choice...

2009-03-16 // 23:19:59
Lovely. I like this one a lot
you're so kind.
you have noticed it's not a chocolate, haven't you?

2009-03-16 // 15:05:46
j'aurais dû m'en douter.... Classieux carré, mademoiselle :)
Qu'est ce que tu veux, faut que j'habille ma fonction maintenant!
;D (genre...)

2009-03-16 // 00:11:33
don't all women like that? ;)
you think so?

2009-03-15 // 22:15:52
quelle sharpness indeed!
bah allez, scanne toujours! je suis sûre qu'il est pas si horrible que ça ce scanner!

oh si c'est affreux, il me transforme tous mes joli bleu 669 en un espèce de bleu flashy disco 80's c horrib, je veux pas voir ça ici...
j'ai tout essayé, rien à faire. Faut juste que je me trouve un autre scanner, c'est tout...!

2009-03-15 // 22:06:01
ah... toutes mes félicitations, le Mamiya Press, c'est classieux en effet :)
On monte en gamme, Madame.

(le foulard c'est un Hermès...)

2009-03-15 // 22:05:32
buy one tomorrow!


if only life was so easy...

(I love to make men waiting... ;)

2009-03-15 // 21:55:47
Mamiya lenses are so sharp, take a look at my fire truck photo, I was told it was a fake polaroid...just a great lens. Can't wait to see some more of your work from it.
Yes I remember your fire truck photo, it is amazing!
I tried to take some landscapes with the mamiya but wasn't really happy with the result. Seems that it works better with close subjects.
Thanks for your words and viva mamiya ;)

2009-03-15 // 21:48:36
looking forward to seeing more :)
I have more, but my scanner is reaaaally so bad I can't put something good of it... you'll have to wait until I buy a new one!