2009-05-16 // 02:14:21
holy shit. i just came back to this bored & absurd window (after reading your reply), clicked & admired the next three in this series, and what do i find at the end? Peter's comment. serious déjà vu moment while reading that. hmm. i've got to think about this for a while, but i know it's a good thing. i do love this series. 4 great photos. a simply true description. and at least 3 guys who get it. of this series of 4 it's not possible for me to have a favourite. i love them all. the really need to be together as one.

thanks for the camera info & link. i've done the same but never with such spectacular results. i've got a brownie 616 on a shelf right now waiting for conversion. eventually. ;-)
more later, oré.

As I said to nimano it's inspired by Richter's paints: »link
I had fun to give this description( witch is so true)
And regarding the camera: In fact I made two backs: One with a mirror and a frosted glass to make the frame and to focus.. When it's done i change the back and put my polaroïd back...
A lot of work for a smoking man with sunglasses!
Oh i forgot this other reference: »link

2009-04-09 // 22:43:19
obviously been out and around and missed these lovely selfportarits. just stopped - at least am trying to stop - smoking myself, and it looks so goddamned...... good, fine, nice etc. i can feel the taste mmm....
besides that it´s a goddamn good series of selfportraits.

Thanks a lot for this visit hope you'll take time to have a look to even older pictures...:)
I have so many non uploaded self-portraits... Pfff.. This was inspired by some portraits of Gerhard Richter...
Thanks for your comments...

2009-03-25 // 23:33:50
Bon ben j'arrete aussi de faire des comments sympa sur tes séries si ca n'appelle aucun commentaire...
pffff pffff...


Polanoid perdrait de son intérêt...

2009-03-25 // 22:27:45
Un faux air de Beigbeder quand meme. Le coté dépravé peut etre... Il ne faut jamais laisser un homme seul, ils font n'importe quoi pour se faire remarquer...

Chouette série, sinon.

Pour l'air de Beigbeder... C'est surement le sens du ridicule dans les lunettes... Pour le reste... No comment!

2009-03-24 // 19:45:34
nice portrait!

2009-03-24 // 06:41:03
celle là est tout bonnement géniale
Papi te remercie... Mais je préfère la 1ere....et j'aime encore plus l'idée de série.

2009-03-24 // 02:19:40
wishing a goodnight to the man home alone wearing old fashioned sunglasses, smoking a cigarette in the dark and making Fuji FP100C look like choco 100.

The man (...) wishes a good day to the over busy non smoking and non wearing sunglasses English blue teacher.
And now wishing a good evening...
And now a good day....

(Quelle erreur d'avoir laissé ce comment sur cette image: ça m'y fait revenir est je m'y trouve une parfaite tête d'abruti... Enfin... Le ridicule ne m'a jamais tué c'est pas aujourd'hui que ça va commencer!)