2009-04-15 // 22:57:55
great crew!
no doubt about that !

2009-04-15 // 17:39:10
Congrats to the crew !!...
the whole crew is very honored !

2009-04-15 // 08:52:43
Congrats !
merci, l'ami !

2009-04-15 // 07:54:23
you'll have now to share the radio on the set!

it all goes to the main artist, my hairdresser. We had good time, anyway !

2009-04-14 // 18:34:42

2009-04-14 // 10:39:51
Ah oui, tu as raison, un bouquet de doigts de pieds, c'est moyen, mais sur le coup, avec un verre de pinard (ou deux...), je trouvais ça rigolo;)

Merci pour les gros plans de MONOMANIAC. C'est un projet qui intéresse peu de monde (forcément !) mais en "pola wall" à la maison ça prend du sens...

je m'y suis interessé à ma façon aussi, mais c'est un peu "raide"... forcément ;-)

2009-04-14 // 10:25:30
Very good !

PS : tu as laissé un msg à MONOMANIAC sur "bouquet" et tu l'as effacé ? A tasty insult maybe ;) ?

non, c'était juste pour mettre un "?" rapport au sujet du projet mais je me suis dit que je n'avais pas à faire le gendarme ;-)
Ceci étant, j'aime bien les gros plan de monomaniac....

2009-04-14 // 08:22:25
I'm too scared to even put anything in as a submission as I know there is no way I can top you guys
please do. There are so many ways to be creative. And no victory is ever for sure (the fact is the webbo does not accept sexual intercourse as a payment anymore, so...)

2009-04-14 // 08:14:00
ok, you deserve to win this project big time!!!

this is more than creative, and so well done.

2009-04-14 // 01:53:00
looks like you guys ( and gals) have to much free time on your hand. :-)
wonderful, creative work with this piece of metal.

i realise that I never answered to that comment of yours : yes, on the set, there is always a great part of waiting : no one works at the same time. So... this project was really a good solution !