2009-05-19 // 16:42:28
Another nice blog Taff.
May I refer to you as Taff now? ;-)

yes, tv mostly sucks. dozens of channels & all crap. except for the occasional movie, some sports or interesting an documentary. the only regret i'll have for the analogue signal going away is listening to the occasional sporting event on my radio, which receives a limited number of tv signals.

hoping Ludo returns soon.

Ha. Round here not many people know my real name. That nickname has existed for 15 years and shows no sign of waning yet.... Sigh.

Just download movies squire.

2009-05-19 // 13:43:49
well, i have to admit spending far too much time at her blog the other day. good stuff. interesting lady. are you also a friend of Chef Oliver. his show was one of the few tolerable on the us food network.

Yeah she's very interesting and lovely. And so's her boyfriend. I think you'll like spending time in his world too »link

Nice mention of my missing cat too i've just seen.... Poor thing....
No never met him... I'm not that dissapointed tbh.

Tell you who I can't stand: something something Contessa. Urrr. (maybe it's barefoot contessa?)

I will be glad when our terrestrial signal is taken away in a few months and I will have no TV to watch.

2009-05-19 // 06:11:39
Well I'm not that old I hope and I love portraits.
when it's good it's good!!

2009-05-16 // 17:42:15
..and tell anna that that butterfly is definitley a speckled wood not a fritillary
consider it telled.

2009-05-12 // 19:24:26
an amazing portrait. love it.
thanks for the nice words ullo. i'm happy you like.

2009-05-12 // 18:30:07
I see in her eyes what she does..
She'll be glad to hear that... I'll tell her.

2009-05-12 // 17:20:14
strong and soft portrait
i'm starting to enjoy portraits more and more....

is that a sign of getting old?

2009-05-12 // 14:19:14
I fink chocolate film is the best fing wot ever happened to brunettes
that and blonde hair dye?

(i'm jokin. i prefer a good brunette to a good blonde anyday)