2006-07-02 // 01:59:11
very intersting. I totally see where you are coming from. I was raised Catholic and lived in Rome for 3 years when I was younger...so I got my share of all the ritualistic practices associated w/the church. I really had my doubts until someone shared w/me the gospel...so if no one has ever really told it you like it is you can read it here if your interested. »link Thanks for responding!
i often read the gospel and the bible:) i also sometimes walk my mum to the church because i know that she's worried for my afterlife:).
and i'm even one of those who have no problems with the catholic rites and weird traditions, instead i deeply love them, especially the ones we have in my town, mainly because they're really close to my believes. for example the cult of saint michael, the patron saint, is part of my life because i live here, but also of my spirituality somehow on a strange level.
if you don't know much about saint michael, you can read this explaination i wrote to a friend of mine »link

2006-07-01 // 07:27:12
sorry you feel that way. There is not a day where I do not thank God that I am :) If you want answers to these questions you ask I can give them to you. That is all.
thanks for your offer of answers:) i don't think they would be useful to redeem me:)

i was raised as a catholic, i have lots of catholic friends and relatives, i often have long and exhausting talks with priests but i don't have faith in that god, sorry:)
those are questions that come from a rational point of view, because i find christianity very interesting. i don't need to find an answer, because it would be necessarly a result of the faith i don't have, not of rationality.
when i think about christ, i consider just the human being. there's this italian song that says more or less "i don't want to think of you as a son of god, but as a son of the man, my brother, too". that's my point of view:) by the way if you still want to share yours i will be happy to read your answers:)