2009-06-04 // 22:20:44 mattjudas I like this, great work!
thank you!
2009-06-01 // 12:55:02 milkysoldier this is so so so stuning and inspired, wow, a big vote + fave
thank you so much. i really appreciate that. this was a time consuming, tedious labor of love, so the compliments mean that much more to me. cheers!
2009-06-01 // 12:44:41 g. i don't know if we really are.. depends on what me make, no?
('all polaroids shot' - haha. i think i got the hint. if you had the same thought as i did)
g., you make an interesting point. i guess our individual significance could be defined by what contributions we make to the world. but ultimately, and this is probably the pessimist in me, i don't think any of it really matters in the grand scheme of the universe. anytime i sit and watch the ocean...or space for that matter, i can't help but think how small we are, no matter what kind of worth we may hold in this world.
hahaha and i put "all polaroids shot" just because i wanted to explain from inception to completion. haha and shooting the polaroids is a crucial step! ;)
good to hear from you my friend.
2009-06-01 // 11:57:42 Yuma wie wahr, wie wahr...how insignificant we are
for some reason, the ocean always reminds me of that.