2009-06-03 // 14:59:10
"A work of (f)art is the unique result of a unique temperament" (F)oscar (F)wilde

2009-06-03 // 14:13:57
I suppose by 'maetsro' you mean 'Sensei Sexytime'...
Yes, yes. (Sorry. Sensei Sexytime-Sexylove- whatever)

2009-06-03 // 14:01:03
With... MAGIC?

(you'd definitely make my mother happy)

On a completely unconnected subject: I've just compressed a movie and uploaded it! It worked maestro! Thank you for your help.

2009-06-03 // 13:53:28
I now deeply wish i was a bussiness man who needed office services.
Shall I transform you into one?

2009-06-03 // 11:29:23
would you give me credit?

Certainly, but you may be transformed into bushel of wheat if you fail to keep up the installments, so please be sure to read the small print.