2009-06-24 // 11:36:47
genius! that's what happens if i don't shave !
And can you wiggle your horns?

2009-06-12 // 15:58:09
well, I'd stop shaving only one part and keep shaving some others just in case...
take Polas of what happens :-D

2009-06-12 // 15:49:47
oh my god..is it...is it contagious???
I don't know. Should I stop shaving and see what happens?

2009-06-12 // 12:27:48
however you created these godly legs..respect!
This what happens when we stop shaving him.

2009-06-03 // 16:21:32
wusste ich ... natürlich ... schliesslich kommt ja auch wenig/kaum/kein samen aus einem nicht errigierten penis raus ... wie soll er denn auch sonst den samen verteilen ...

2009-06-03 // 14:59:51
hast diesen fuzzi vor einem "burn-out" aus der glyptothek entführt?
Genau. In der Mythologie hat übrigens ein Satyr immer einen irrigierten Penis. Wußtest Du das?

2009-06-03 // 13:49:42
Do your landlord accept having half-pets?
My landlord is fine about it, as long as I empty the litter tray regularly or hang out washing on this horns.

2009-06-03 // 11:50:21
great, great, great!!
Nothing like a bit of male body hair, I have to say.