2009-11-25 // 03:03:58
Great :)
on saturday we have nothing planned before/after the show, probably some sightseeing in the afternoon if it doesn't rain too much ! and nothing else after the show as well, so it's up to you ! you should come with us in front of the wang and try to get a ticket for you, maybe ?
btw, my direct contact : coxiiinel(a)gmail.com
see you soon :)

2009-11-23 // 18:42:35
hi there,
now you're back in one piece, i was wandering if you would have time for a drink & polas ? i've seen you're quite busy, but a quick break for a beer can't hurt... i'll be in boston from thursday to saturday (but on sat night i'm busy, going to see the pixies show)
let me know if you are around, thirsty :)

Hey Sophie..I am so jealous you are going to the pixies show...I looked at tickets for that, hesitated, then there were none.
Unfortunately I won't be back in town until saturday, are you free in the early afternoon at all? Let me know! Then again, I only live a few blocks from the Wang, and their shows tend to let out early...
Thanks for contacting me, lets try and figure something out!