2009-10-16 // 15:04:25
it reminds me of terrible typhoon which we had recently.
beautiful polaroid anyway!


oh, yes--i read about that.
less disastrous obviously, but i was shocked to walk through the park and see this--it seemed like a derecho went through and randomly uprooted the grandest trees in this area. big holes in the skyline now that i can't get used to.

2009-08-23 // 03:43:56
sad birds.

we saw a raccoon crawling into one of the trees that had been uprooted--maybe looking for its former home. people kept coming by and running their hands over the trees and roots. even after all that...the saddest thing was to hear the chain saws start early in the morning. this tree was down and cut into logs a couple hours later.

2009-08-22 // 23:27:11

love it..


[not hebrew]



...means a lot to me that you do.

[not surprised]


oh no--you were too fast--i didn't get to read the secret note that you left for me!

2009-08-22 // 22:38:21
did you know that the source of abracadabra is hebrew???

err, what Hebrew school did you say you went to?