2009-09-02 // 16:05:11 Jay you're using far too much BDSM jargon, I'm lost
2009-09-02 // 15:51:41 Jay the exploration you just mentioned usually has quite the opposite effect than head shrinking
Nonsense. Growing the "bottom head" helps shrink the "top head".
2009-09-02 // 14:47:50 Jay Never seen you stuck for an idea but if you ever are then how about running "A week with EZS in Crete" holidays, it would be like all those arts and crafts workshops rolled into one.
Oh yes, I'd like to help keep the old crafts alive - with head shrinking and vaginal exploration and voodoo courses and the like.
2009-09-01 // 02:16:35 merge This was the goop/negative side? And it didn't do that solarization thing? Evidently you are one not to mess with...
This was the side that was under the black stuff. I left the backing on for about two weeks so I don't know if that makes a difference. It doesn't seem to be a controllable process, anyway. I took the whole pack of film on the same day in the same place and treated all negatives the same, but they all look totally different.