2009-09-11 // 23:54:41
haha i know.. i must have only shot 3 packs out of the 200+ i brought. I was hoping to create some room in my fridge i guess. BM always does that to me.. "oh i'm going to do xx xxxx xxxx and xxx this year with photography" uhh no, you'll be sitting on your ass wondering why you got to sleep at 8am.
Exactly. And I'm super bummed that my fridge ibarely has any more room than before I left. Fail!

2009-09-11 // 23:34:42
heh.. how did we not meet up? Usually the playa brings together like freaks. I was the guy walking around with a 180 and a Converted 110a
Cuz I was so burnt out that I always left my camera in camp. heh heh. I brought 60 sheets of film and shot only 20. lame.