2009-10-21 // 17:55:49
Seems you mistimed the selftimer a bit. One last drag before the exposure?

And I agree... 100% brilliant.
The project.
And you.

2009-09-14 // 17:20:30
ha! you actually did it! :-)
great thing, I enjoy this picture a lot and the tree is really beautiful.
hope it was fun!

2009-09-14 // 17:17:49
yeah, we all like that kind of brilliant crap.
More brilliant crap!!! I have a house full of it.

Worthless amazing cameras everywhere!!

2009-09-14 // 09:54:51
hehe :)) 100% crapilliant!
oh it's not as crap as yours but much less brilliant.

too sunny to use 667... alas.

hope you had a super b'day.

2009-09-13 // 13:48:32
it was the tree, they're magic you know...
ooooo good girl, you recognise the tree... that makes me more happy than it should do.

2009-09-12 // 23:14:13
i know a tree in the mountains of corsica like this. we should bring them together. how?

brilliant, yes.

i just still cannot decide if you appear more like a giant, or a dwarf.
funny cameras, the polaroids are.

the tree is a good friend and very small.
i do appear unfesibly large though. rather wide, i think the lens must be faulty ;-)

anyway, i hope you don't mind that i continued your cigarette theme. photos are so much better with a cigarette then without.