j'ai encore dans l'oreille la prononciation de My.Iowa, ainsi que la superbe gestuelle...
yeah babe, I got it!!
2009-09-19 // 22:39:09 jkreileder the last one is almost too cool :)
2009-09-18 // 13:56:42 ciarco79 argh no...
mine is still not working
I took just one (bad) strip while testing it!
I have anyway 30 something photos of the technician :D
2009-09-18 // 08:55:31 ciarco79 that's a real supercool photobooth strip
Palais de Tokio?
thanks Maestro!
i've made one at Jeu de Paume too but the result is more yellow, I think the products needed to be changed...
How is yours? Happy with it?