2009-09-17 // 18:59:15
I think you misunderstand me. I'm not really after body parts, I just figured you might have been active in the seventies Polaroid "Swinger" movement and may still have some pictures from parties or whatever. I was just thinking how good you would have looked in a crochet bikini...
I will take you up on your offer of coffee, chemicals and a romp next time I'm passing, though...

2009-09-17 // 16:03:31
Mmm, you look good. Do you have any more "personal" pictures, if you know what I mean?
I don't usually show my personal pieces (arms, legs and more) to strangers. I sent a guy I met online an arm once, and never got it back...and spare parts cost an arm and a leg those days...

Why don't you come down to Enschede and visit me. We'll have some coffee, smelll some developer, romp in the empty boxes, and fall asleep to the humming of the machines producing the first Impossible Film!

2009-09-17 // 12:28:04
you are fantastic!
Thanks! I know!