2009-10-17 // 21:43:56
Here's my solution for either/or dilemmas. Toss a coin. Then rebel against the outcome and take the other option. And then take the first option as well - because it won, after all and one must always obey the coin.
I'll do it!

2009-10-17 // 20:29:20
"trying to remember... what was first, the image, or the act? what happened, or how it felt?
he stepped into these again.. walking to the fence. lighting a cigarette. and there he's standing, watching the far sea for some silent minutes.
the image was taken long ago.
the cigarette was blown away by the wind.
he turned around, put the camera on the ground, and took the car."
(the sound of the engine. shifted gears, moving away)
"it just sounded better."
film tear. the image shaking for a moment, burning, a glimpse of colours, white.
(the sound of the projector.)

thrilling story
I love it G!
my choice its connected with a strange strange story too.
but I prefer your way to view!
thank you so much!!!

2009-10-17 // 15:34:50
lets get punky, jump in the car with your camera and never look back!
I should do it!!!