2009-10-30 // 16:49:35
everybody has phases where inspiration lacks.
my comment to dear uri was also meant as a push up.
and i'm somehow quite sure he will. there is enough time, isn't it?

and for the others.. i can imagine a lot reasons. one that might not be underestimated is maybe a simple one - money. polaroidfilm is expensive. and people might have different priorities.
and otherwise.. i'm patient.
or simply don't (have to really) care.
i prefer to enjoy what's there.

well.. trying to.
it's like the half full half empty glass.

2009-10-30 // 16:04:18
a nice document.
(and even better as a diptych.)


just trying to push one more back to the lineup.

i can't understand why so may refuse. with Uri i understand, but wish he would try again.

2009-10-30 // 15:01:55
AAAh.. so this is how you get your legs to appear on a picture... interesting... (thumb and index finger in V shape under chin in a contemplative attitude)
Took me a long time to come to this conclusion too.
Hope this help & serves as motivation.

By the time we have 300 in the lineup we'll know the outcome of the next World Cup. I do hope Zidane is back for FR.