2009-11-09 // 14:10:30
Now I wonder if Natasha is ticklish. Shall we try to find out?

2009-11-09 // 10:44:35

quite a bit freedom in interpreting the guidelines (the angle of your right-hands thumb is 2.1% out of tolerance)
but being not drunk is a schplendid eggscuse for that..

great pic nevertheless
loooove it, amigo!

I apologize, great webbowizzard.
I am trying to help fill up some of the 200+ submissions we need.
Might fill them up myself...

2009-11-07 // 00:20:46
Unspoken words are sometimes the best.

Glad to hear of your luck. Persistence pays off occasionally.

(and yes, I want a mannequin - she's perfect. who needs legs & arms? bald head, perfect breasts, nice abs...)

2009-11-06 // 22:52:11
I want one!
(and not the camera)

Did you do the conversion yourself?

edit: admit it: You just wanted to be next to Dorothy in the lineup.

you want a mannequin?
I've slaved 3 years to get Natasha...
She currently lives in my trunk.
But she still loves me.

I did not convert myself.
I somehow got really lucky on ebay.

& I didn't want to be next to Dorothy as much as Natasha wanted to.....