2009-12-31 // 01:48:34
like it : )

2009-11-27 // 10:35:12
still and clear. my favourite.

2009-11-24 // 14:40:42
Milenka, une petite précision : c'est bien du FP-100C, non ?!

Sinon, vraiment très beau portrait, mais presque dommage d'en présenter plusieurs de la séance (pourtant, elles sont vraiment toutes superbes !!) ;-)

2009-11-24 // 00:44:11
This one. The Flower 3 has some sharpness problems. But the Flower 1 is the absolute winner - let me grat here for that SOTD!

2009-11-23 // 21:55:33
not easy...maybe this one. but the first one's still the best. we need more of these lovely portrait.
thank you, yeah I dunno either...

well I will do more if I can find a 600Se with a good price :(