2008-08-21 // 20:08:58 innocent.essence it's amazing!!
but is it sand or grass???
Thanx a lot ; )
It's grass
2006-12-22 // 02:18:02 bluecharlotte this looks like a dream. i love it so much.
2005-10-26 // 00:24:47 LiA god the blurr is to die for!!! Does that alway happen or is it an accident or or or..anyway, it looks lovely. Nice subject of course!
not an accident , just a "magical touch" :)
2005-10-23 // 16:50:14 bonnie beautiful...and makes me wonder why these two are mad at one another...back to back...under a stormy sky...what a story this holds!
2005-10-20 // 19:04:23 Joannes c'est vrai que c'est superbe !
2005-10-20 // 18:50:55 trucnul superbe, mais... comprend pas [comment kon fé pour faire un truc comme CA] [????] ...une loupe? ...un "oeil de merlan"? ...un angle presque sauvage?