2010-05-05 // 20:13:49

2009-12-09 // 17:45:57
once again, great shot!...still have a couple of 665 packs, never find the day to use them...as soon as the weather gets a little better I promise I will ! :)
thanks crooke.
looking forward to see them...

2009-12-08 // 12:51:57
Lajos Gombos
One of your absolute most beautiful 665 pict! I live it. (But is the last very sad :(

thank you very much lajcsi.
and yes, it really is sad...

2009-12-08 // 11:40:43
Yeah! Everything is just fine here! Thanks! :-)
Hope you are fine as well?


itīs OK, have had a couple of exhibitions and made a small book, all which was terribly fun and scratched my ego.
but then you fall even harder back to the dark swedish autumn... no light at all.it will turn around. i know, but it seems so far away right now.

ooops! sorry for sounding so depressed. it aint that bad (but dark it is...)

2009-12-08 // 09:07:59
Wow, amazing! :-)

thank you chris!
hope all is well with you...

2009-12-08 // 00:00:29
Really lovely! did you use a flash?

no, itīs frost on the branches...


2009-12-07 // 21:28:36
definitely worthy of its use! the lighting is amazing!

much appreciated, thanks.

2009-12-07 // 21:28:18