2006-03-18 // 01:13:09 LiA "DC somehow lost my middle. egal" !!! This adds so perfectly to the funny picture combination :-D you have a weird sense of humour mr doc.
2005-10-25 // 00:55:09 LiA :O AHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! !!!!! Nase! Mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen. Obwohl doch: süß :)
2005-10-23 // 23:25:13 John Argetsinger i have 47 pictures uploaded. of course i cant seem to make any of them public. wonderful web design.
2005-10-21 // 09:58:06 spitocco ciao ciao sistah!
2005-10-20 // 22:25:23 artpunk Check out the big brains on Doc! :-)>