2009-12-28 // 15:12:18
Yes, it appears very well you love her and you like all of her, I like your love jumping out from your images. She is very beautiful, but this is not the most important thing in these images, what is great is the love you show, really.
Happy new year full of good images, my friend. greetings from Palermo, Sicily

Yes, you understand very well this 17 years old, everlasting series. I started when she was 22 on argentic and now, the past 3 years, on Polaroid films. How she's grown all these years is a fascinating project. I'm glad you see the L.O.V.E reflecting in the pictures. Yes, this is what it's all about;) !
Greetings from Paris, France.

2009-12-28 // 13:38:28
Hallo, I saw the pola by "frenchcokpit", and he hasshotted your preferred model : I think she gives most only if YOU are on the camera, your images through this woman are different ( read : the best )
Haha, thank you, but she's my wife and my favorite model for 17 years now, so you understand we have a deep bound;)

If you click on any tag : v. , you will see she posed for a couple more polanoiders in the past. It's VERY interesting for us to see how she's looked at by others.

If you should want her to pose for you, I'm sure she will be honored !
We just LOVE your pictures. Brilliant work !!!