2010-02-22 // 21:34:11
need to ask..

what kind of homemade thingie?
am trying to figure something out.. and trying to find people who may have done that already.. (but the vignetting with the angulon is irritating me totally here!)

(you may reply to my email -in profile- if you prefer to)

Hi Mr g!
Sorry for not replying your questen. I just been gone for a while...
Anyway itīs shot with a graflex camera XL wide, and a 47mm Angulon. We can call it a killed normal graflex. 'Itīs someone in the states that made it and my friend find it on ebay.
I also hate the vignetting, itīs to much but I love the wideangel it gives me.

All the best

2010-01-04 // 14:05:55
Is this a pinhole camera?

thanks alot, no pinhole. Its a graflex homemade thingi...

2009-12-29 // 22:43:47
road to nowhere? fin!
tack. the road to the crabs...

2009-12-27 // 21:17:20
Lajos Gombos
What lens do you use?
its a custom camera... homemade... the lens is super angulon 47mm