2009-12-29 // 08:12:15
Generally, I think once we have moved on, we are reluctant to revisit the past, one saying that I remember being told is "never go back". Also, present wives, husbands or partners might find it a bit odd that we are meeting up with ex girlfriends etc. It would certainly create an interesting discussion with my wife!
i find it very interesting, on the contrary, to go back and try to understand what has been leading me to what I am today.

But in this case, french are not so different, you know. My wife did not help me from seeing them, but was not too happy about it. And there was at least one very very upset husband too on the girl's side...

2009-12-29 // 02:48:44
Great story and I'm very envious. It made me wonder if I could arrange something similar, but I think the answer from the women in my past would be to decline the invitation. I guess us Brits have different views on past relationships, which is a great shame!
why is it different ?