2010-01-11 // 00:07:11 Lajos Gombos I'm very pleased, good luck to him! It's very nice shot Rodeo!
Thank you, I'm just learning how to use it, but i will get there I am sure- i've been inspired by so many polanoid members with their view cameras!
2010-01-10 // 23:47:26 Lajos Gombos have you got Toyo 4x5 inch? youhúúúúúú
i do- it's been sitting there for ages with no lens until i realised i could steal the one from my graflex (which i have never used because it doesn't have a ground glass) and then i bought a non adapted 545i back (i have one for my 600SE that is apparently very special and i never knew but it doesn't work with anyone else) and voila- i now have a fully fledged working view camera as of Thursday!