2010-01-13 // 19:52:08
nice blues, how long did you leave the print develop for in what looks like quite cold welsh temperatures! ;)
no idea...i always pull mine at total random- no science to it. I only notice when I go wrong and get too excited and pull to early...could be anywhere from 40 secs to about 3 mins! I'm hopeless with such things.

2010-01-13 // 19:21:24
BEAUTIFUL with this colors!!!
thanks dude- come on impossible project bring back a 669 equivalent!

2010-01-13 // 16:42:23
nice one. hope you're feeling better.
Hotels! I wouldn't even stay in a hay-barn unless I'd checked it out first on Tripadvisor.co.uk or .com or whatever it is. We've found it very accurate and reliable and quite entertaining.

we went on tripadvisor! the people who visit wales must be used to sleeping in barns... i still feel awful. at home sorting out my polaroids- its an overwhelming task!