2010-02-09 // 23:12:23
Mais !? C'est pas un négatif ??? Un négatif à l'eau de Javel ???
Mais si !

2010-02-09 // 21:55:50
haha, your english is much better than my google-french, I must do something about that. For people in the U.K. or Ireland I have found the bleach called Milton to be very effective, the only danger is if it gets onto the emulsion side it causes problems. I have just cleared about five negatives with just hot water and a good rub, they look a bit scratchy though but it's not so toxic. I'll try to upload them by tomorrow or so.

2010-02-09 // 16:24:47
Eau de Javel... c'est le hypochlorite de sodium avec chromium oui? Reyo a decouvert que l'eau et sufficent pour les negatives de Fuji Instax et aujord'hui j'ai success avec FP-100C, eau chaud et un abrasive. J'ai utilisé le hypochlorite apres les instructions de FlicKr, comme un mouton.
"eau de javel" is the french name for this. I don't know the english equivalent... Someone ? It works only with Fuji films, not polaroid ones. The yellow and blue stuff on the image is just a leak who destroyed the emulsion a bit.