2010-03-29 // 19:09:22
This field is a favourite of mine too, now.


ah, good... I will make it into some kind of movement.
All fields day?


2010-03-10 // 13:33:51
It looks good even in b&w!
thanks suzanne

2010-03-03 // 02:17:27
Simply amazing!
thank you sarah

2010-02-22 // 16:53:57
consider me a member of the penumbra fanclub as well.
it has been a nice journey clicking through all the other views.
i imagine sitting there with orezemit, calicant, lajcsi and you, looking at the view live from the early morning to the late night. should be a nice calm tableround.

i can picture it... would be great.
a glass of red and just vegetating for some hours.
with the 1 meter of snow just outside my window the thought is soothing.
& congrats for today. almost forgot

2010-02-21 // 11:27:22
i never get bored of this view, nice detail and depth of field my friend!
glad i´m not the only one :-)