2010-03-04 // 22:58:31
it's a great picture, and very poignant...take no notice, unless you actually killed this cat yourself just so you could take this picture, in which case it's still a great picture but you're a very bad person....
Thanks for the support. I did not kill the cat. I like cats, I have two of them myself, both of them alive, can you believe it?...

2010-03-04 // 15:47:48
I agree with the composer. No such thing as normal, ignoramus.
better to delete it? seriously? not many things more damaging to the creative world than censorship.

Thanks for making two good points. Yes, what is normal? Some might say it's not normal to use instant film in a digital age, are they normal? I hope not!
Regarding censorship I agree with you, it's negative for the creative world. It's my opinion that the author should judge his work and come to a decision either to publish or not. I stand by my work, I defend it based on the reasons that I had on making the picture and on my thoughts on the relevance of making the picture public.

2010-03-02 // 13:38:31
it's not funny, it's sad and disgusting
you're not normal
it would be better to delete this... "artwork"

it's not meant to be "funny", it's meant to be sad. It should made you reflect about the passing of life. The picture was taken in way, angle and composition, to make the cat look like it's jumping, thus alive. The only indication that it's not is the blood. I feel that the picture was made with respect and on a very serious matter, and that it is not exploiting death on a senseless way.

You are of course free to criticize and to have your opinion. In the end nobody forces you to see it.

In the future also refrain from making personal judgments. I don't believe you to be qualified to say who's "normal".