2010-03-26 // 12:01:03
Yup, the 043 was the BEST. These are beautiful.
thankyou esther! happy you like them :)

2010-03-24 // 23:59:03
Black wedding!!!!!!!
so happy you like this one, amalia :)

2010-03-24 // 19:32:53
rien que l'eglise suffit a justifier le titre, ca passe ! ;-)

2010-03-24 // 19:06:28
j'aime bien le black wedding :)
merci! (faut le voir, hein, que c'est un wedding - mais on distingue légèrement une robe de mariée ;)

2010-03-24 // 18:42:24
My fave bunch of yours so far...

I'd like the top two on their own. Love love love them.

thanks! they were my fave bunch too. 43.
so glad you like them :)