2010-04-10 // 10:11:00
here I am, finally back on line. damn! the 778 were all dried-out and someone stole the 2 packs of TZ from my pocket while i was watching General Idea's "shut the fuck up" at the Changing Channels exibition. Gott sei dank the flavour of Webbo's aftershave (i doubt he used any btw...) is still on my red-hot lips. oh yeah!
a presto! have to start count the beans now. baci baci.

2010-04-09 // 17:09:49
This makes me so jealous, I want to throw plates of spaghetti at you all.
du hast gar keinen grund eifer zu suchten
..du hast ja eh in nujork alle abbusselt!