2010-04-11 // 12:00:49
you're english is well enough to share thoughts. so thank you for doing so, as for sharing your images.

2010-04-10 // 10:39:57
so hard to tell from the size on a digital screen (plus a glossy display sitting in the sun, but i enjoy the warmth too much as that i could go in the shadow now) - did you paint with oil on this one?
anyway, i love the result, the mood of the colours and the feel.

(strange mix, btw.. fisher net and flowers. but only on second sight.)

This is a sea city with a port designed by Leonardo da Vinci. In Spring there is a vendor manifestation of flowers!
Many years ago i have learned this technique(oil painting) in ZOOM pubblication or Polaroid pubblication.
I have produced some of these polaroids that I will insert in a project.
Thanks for your appreciation
excuse me for my scholastic English