2010-04-23 // 14:06:43

why "hands"?

you really wanna tell me there are hands on the pic??
where the hell?


Mind you Webbo, I understand your point of view, but I am such an hypocritical old man that I just can't call this picture "fingers", as I obviously should !

2010-04-20 // 17:44:17
well done!
lovely soft focus héhé... thank you !

2010-04-20 // 15:24:29
I forgot : v+f of course
I forgot to thank you héhé...

2010-04-20 // 15:23:47
the most beautiful image in PX100 seen uptodate. damned white dots!!!
your images show a right respect to women and to feminine essence, yes. Here beautiful hands and...
bravo, the fascination of instant photography goes over every "numeric" image, we know it.
bravo. W la France and french women

Wow, fantastic comment, thank you ;) ! Thank you about the respect to women, it is clearly an important matter to me.

About the white dots, I choose not to remove them. I have the necessary patience to do it, but they seemed to add something to the picture, same as the soft focus : they underline the fact that I stand back from the buttocks.

2010-04-19 // 21:54:29
Hé oui ! Jolies mains !

2010-04-19 // 13:26:51
mmmhhh c'est beau...c'est tendre..c'est mmmhhh
c'est tentant;)...

2010-04-19 // 09:34:17
yeahyeah, well captured... :o)
you're welcome ;);)!
thank you.

2010-04-18 // 20:30:36
so simple... so nice!
thank you, dear ;)