2010-04-19 // 10:27:56
You do know as a "boy" that you should never admit that you have gone limp, right? :]
Ah! Well I meant my hair of course. Can't do a thing with it...

2010-04-19 // 02:31:11
I can't stop fucking laughing. Merge, you just made me go limp.

2010-04-19 // 02:20:06
Ha, the wife-beater is really working for you, though I'm not so sure about the pigtails... :]
I know boys who were their hair as such! I know drag kings who do too. Drag kings are girls who like to be boys...something like that. Though not necessarily exposed...I was only playing along. Carmen got the project slamming with her work. I had the coolest ideas....such is life.