2010-05-17 // 23:36:51
I'm certainly sure i have no bumb on my nose. But i do have two holes.

2010-05-17 // 23:26:22
So rude!!!

How did you know i'm a bump-fetish? What is a bump?

2010-05-17 // 21:33:11
What was that? An affirmation or a question?

2010-05-14 // 22:42:52
Congrats !!

2010-05-14 // 19:48:32
Congratulations !
lovely pola and an interesting view ..

2010-05-14 // 15:17:51
nope, i was moving the bubbles in every possible direction, but they came moving back into place. then i moved and collected the bubbles, creating one huge mother bubble, cut the polaroid open and tried to let the mother bubble free. it worked for about 5 seconds. after that i had the double amount of little kiddie bubbles back onto the picture.

2010-05-14 // 14:27:08
ha, yesterday i shot some pics with my old 600 b/w film as well.
i'm pissed of the bubbles though.

(happy factory workers.)

2010-05-14 // 13:38:55
Statistics are impressive. Is this a new era? Like the Renaissance of Polanoid? An Esthercentrical Time where the upskirt and wigdom will bloom like science did in the 16th century?

2010-05-14 // 13:37:06
Oh ! I missed that picture. Sorry, but congrats !

2010-05-14 // 13:22:04
If you want to call a stain her gusset, then that's fine by me.

2010-05-14 // 12:54:58
I won SOTD 13 times for pictures of me, XotW 6 times plus another 4 project awards. And as Strangefields, I won one XotW with me on. So that's another 24 times.

Jimmy has won one SotD and one XotW with me on = 28.

Urizen has won one SotD and one X-project with me on = 30.

And Bastian has won one SotD with me = 31

If we add your 6 times to this, we come to a GRAND TOTAL of 37 times that pictures of me have won a Polanoid award.

This proves conclusively what I have always suspected: that people prefer pictures OF me to pictures BY me (37 vs 33 - if we count the Strangefields win). If I'd never done any self-portraits, I'd only have won 9 times...

Anyway, I am not going to count up all the foggy trees now. I'm sure they will have won more than 37 times in the last five years. But Dan is welcome to try to disprove this.

2010-05-14 // 10:34:55
It would be an interesting statistic. I'd have to shut up about foggy trees then, though and Dan would be very sorry if I stopped taunting him.)

2010-05-14 // 10:06:11
Well done Carmen. (If this continues, shots of me will soon be almost as common on the front page as foggy trees. Muahahahaaa.)

2010-05-14 // 09:38:25
Yeah, I love the interaction you get with planned and the unpredictable in these films.

2010-05-14 // 08:56:27
This is utterly astounding.

2010-05-14 // 08:52:58
oh, i missed that one yesterday!
congratulation my pola queen.

it took 24h??? wow. so what did you think first after you took the picture?
ahhh, there nothing on this film anymore...'

and then the day after, !!! surprise??


2010-05-14 // 05:26:31
'99 was, and still is, such a fine year (for film).

24h is a small wait for such a fine photo.

such a small wait for perfection.

everything, perfect.

Thank you Carmen. My personal motivation has been reborn, . Your personal vision is responsible. As well as Ms. Strangefields revelations.


2010-05-14 // 04:05:18
I told you, it's the beard.


2010-05-14 // 01:36:03
nice gusset

2010-05-13 // 20:52:11
That's belgian burocracy. I personally prefer belgian chocolate,

2010-05-13 // 20:48:04
Doesn't growing a beard certify you as wise?

2010-05-13 // 20:45:09
If this doesn't make it to the cover i no longer understand this world.

2010-05-13 // 14:54:46
wow!! what a sensual shot and model

2010-05-13 // 13:51:12

2010-05-13 // 13:23:30
hmm... i left one of mine in the freezer for MONTHS, checking it now and then, and no bubbles appeared. The day i took it out of the freezer, it went completely bubbly and is now just plain pale grey with no shadow of a portrait in it! :) but the film had expired in 98 or something... maybe it doesnt do this with newer film. time will tell :)

2010-05-13 // 13:22:40
I can't believe this just appeared. The whole thing was just a grey streak. Very happy that something came out.

It was a wonderful time with you, Carmen. Glad we could share this experience together - I mean visiting Enschede, not looking up my dress, which isn't exactly a new experience for either of us (though still a special one, I hope.)

2010-05-13 // 12:59:34
fantastic x

2010-05-13 // 12:56:33
i hope the bubbles dont end up "eating" the whole picture. that's what happened on all of my 600 bw.. :(

2010-05-13 // 12:40:59
love it